Street Furniture/Obstacles
This footpath just comes to an end. For a blind person, this may be difficult because a) they will not see it coming and b) they will now either have to attempt to cross the road or go all the way back to a safe crossing.
Posts in the middle of the footpath are not ideal. For blind/low vision this is a potential hazard that they could walk into and harm themselves. For a wheelchair user, it may create difficulty getting past.
This would also be when you would want to drop a pin for Footpath Width as it would be the narrowest point in a footpath for a wheelchair to fit past.
This one is a bit tricky and it takes context!
If it seems that the car parked there is just a one time thing then you don't need to drop a pin for it.
If it looks like it's outside someones house or is a regular parking spot then subcategorise it as 'Other'.
Shrubs can definitely overgrow onto the footpath and either be a tripping hazard for blind/low vision or make it difficult for wheelchair users to get past.
This would also be where you drop a pin for Footpath Width.
Now this obstacle poses as 'Rubbish Bin' however it is actually 'Other'. This is because it is not here permanently - most likely it is put out every week for the rubbish collectors. If so, then it would be a good idea to put in the day of collection in the description for users to be aware. If it is there permanently then it is a lot bigger than what a normal rubbish bin may be and takes a lot more of the space.
(If it is permanent then it would also be a good idea to drop a Footpath Width pin)
Eye spy with my little eye, 5 obstacles! In this case, you would drop a pin for EACH obstacle
- The tree would be subcategorised as 'Tree'
- The post in front of the Sierra sign would be subcategorised as 'Post'
- The seats and tables would be subcategorised as 'Other' and be sure to leave information in the description
- The sign with 'WORD' on it would be subcategorised as 'Barrier'
- The little post in front of the crossing would be subcategorised as 'Barrier'
Street Furniture/Obstacles is a tricky category and it takes a lot more than just simple measurements. It requires a bit of thinking and some context. Take good pictures where possible and be sure to include all necessary information in the description!