Tell Us How Naughty You've Been, And We'll Give You a Punishment
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You've been bad, haven't you? It's better to fess up and take the punishment that's coming to you. Take this quiz and tell us exactly how bad you've been, and we'll prescribe an appropriate punishment.
You've been bad, haven't you? It's better to fess up and take the punishment that's coming to you. Take this quiz and tell us exactly how bad you've been, and we'll prescribe an appropriate punishment.
How many times have you touched yourself this week?
Once or twice
Not at all
A few
Did you stick to your diet this week?
I cheated once
There were a couple cheat days
Oh man, I pigged out
I sure did
How did you please the dominant men in your life recently?
I sucked his dick
I gave my body over to him
I let him fuck me
Not at all, I've been a selfish bottom
Have you been wearing your buttplug?
As much as I can
Yes, master
Be honest, how naughty have you been?
Pretty naughty
Somewhat naughty
I cannot lie, I have been a bit naughty
Extremely naughty
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No orgasm for a week
You've been especially naughty, haven't you? Bad boy. As a punishment, there shall be no orgasm for a week for you. Take that time to think about what you've done.
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Spank yourself twenty times
You've been pretty naughty. Nothing that a bit of corporal punishment can't fix. Spank yourself twenty times to make amends for your naughtiness.
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Thanks for taking our quiz! Get a Free pair of here to find out how:
Put on Nipple Clamps
You've been a bit naughty. If you've got them, put on some nipples clamps for a minute or so to prove that you're sorry for your naughtiness. If not, just pinch your nipples like a good boy.
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Thanks for taking our quiz! Get a Free pair of here to find out how:
Ruin your orgasm
You've been pretty good, so you get to cum. But of course, you need to ruin your orgasm. Because even good boys are naughty and deserve SOME punishment. ;)
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Thanks for taking our quiz! Get a Free pair of here to find out how: