Which LearnWPT Path Is Right for Your Poker Game?
Which LearnWPT Path gets you on the fast track to winning No-Limit Hold'em strategy? Take this Quiz and get matched with your specific game plan now!
How often do you play poker?
Around once a week
I grind almost every day
Haven't started yet but would like to play
Maybe once a month
Do you have poker goals?
I love watching the WPT and want to learn more
Have fun at the next home game (fun = win money)
Play professionally
Basic strategy so I can start playing
What stakes do you normally play?
High stakes ($5-10 cash or $1k buy-in tournaments and higher)
$1-2/$1-3 cash games or $100 and lower buy-in tournaments
$2-5/$5-10 cash game or $250 - $500 buy-in tournaments
For fun or play chips, occasionally the $5 home game
The pot is $200 and you are facing a $100 bet. Your pot odds are:
4 to 1
3 to 1
2 to 1
1 to 2
What is a chopped pot?
One player raises another player out of the pot
All players remaining in a tournament split the prize pool
We’re chopping up cookware now, what is going on?
Two players split the pot with identical winning hands
The flop is T♣8♥Q♣. What is the texture of this board?
Not familiar with this terminology
At a 6-handed table, the first player to act is in what position?
Very Good
Middle Position (MP2 or Lojack)
At a 10-handed cash game your opponent raises Under the Gun to 3 big blinds. You have Queen Jack offsuit and are next to act. Your move?
Move all-in
Call and see what happens on the flop
Raise to 12 big blinds (12BBs)
In a tournament it folds to the Button who raises and the Big Blind calls. The flop is A♦7♣3♥. Who has the equity advantage?
Under The Gun (UTG)
Big Blind
In a tournament it folds to the Button who raises and the Big Blind calls. On a A♦7♣3♥ flop which continuation bet size would be closest to GTO?
1/3 pot
1/10 pot
2/3 pot
Quick Start
Looks like you might be new to No-Limit Hold'em. No worries, we got you! We’ll give you a quick primer on the game and provide you with a FREE guide to start enjoying the game today.
You are a fan of poker and you've played before. You need a foundational strategy that will give you confidence and control at the table. The Foundations Curriculum provides the rock solid base for winning play and introduces the critical concepts of the LearnWPT game plan.
Use the Strategy Episode and WPT GTO Filter to Sort for "Foundations" suggested content!
Use the Strategy Episode and WPT GTO Filter to Sort for "Foundations" suggested content!
Small Stakes
You've put some time in at the tables and you are beginning to see some progress. You need a framework to start expanding your game and become a more dynamic and feared opponent. The Small Stakes Curriculum will use your knowledge of basic poker strategy and current good habits to show you how to adapt to different opponent types in a system that is easy to apply at the table.
Use the Strategy Episode and WPT GTO Filter to Sort for "Small Stakes" suggested content!
Use the Strategy Episode and WPT GTO Filter to Sort for "Small Stakes" suggested content!
Mid Stakes
You've got some skill for sure and you're ready to unleash a new dimension of your poker game. You have the desire to become a better player but need guidance and structure to help integrate new strategies without breaking your current skills. The Mid Stakes Curriculum utilizes the framework for making situational adjustments and responding to better opponents giving you the tools for consistent results.
Use the Strategy Episode and WPT GTO Filter to Sort for "Mid Stakes" suggested content!
Use the Strategy Episode and WPT GTO Filter to Sort for "Mid Stakes" suggested content!
High Stakes
You are dedicated to the game and want to learn the evolving strategies that separate one hit wonders from lifetime winners. You need access to leading edge training tools and theory and a team instructors that have proven their skills time and again vs the toughest players on the planet. The High Stakes Curriculum gives you direct access to the decision making and training habits that power the most consistent and long-lasting players in the game.
Use the Strategy Episode and WPT GTO Filter to Sort for "High Stakes" suggested content!
Use the Strategy Episode and WPT GTO Filter to Sort for "High Stakes" suggested content!