Green clouds mean tornadoes, but migrating to Atlassian Cloud means more time to focus on the work that matters most. Win back time with cloud-only features that accelerate productivity.
And Atlassian Cloud’s got you covered too with features like built-in automation, better mobile apps, and seamless SaaS integrations.
Just like checking the weather forecast, making a migration plan early can have a big pay off. The journey to Atlassian Cloud can take 9 months or more. Get started today.
Don’t wait for the storm. As more time passes, the gap between our Server and Cloud solutions gets bigger. Start your Atlassian Cloud journey today.
But migrating to Atlassian Cloud doesn’t have to feel heavy. Get the guidance, resources, and tools you need for free with the Atlassian Migration Program.
Move full speed ahead towards Cloud with the Atlassian Migration Program.
Now that you're a cloud trivia pro, comment below with the number you got right and you’ll be entered to win a cloudie! (a stuffed animal that’s quickly becoming our official migrations mascot)
And now that you're finished with this quiz, here's another one that will give you a personalized recommendation on which deployment to consider and how to get started, based on your team’s requirements.