What kind of Witch are you?
Dear seeker, uncover which path aligns with you and feel which whispers of the craft begin to stir your spirit. We have carefully crafted a short test to help you understand the true alignment of your magick and gain insight to which witch you resonate with. Do not be afraid, all witches come in every form and shape - while we share many commonalities, the community as a whole comes together as a beautiful tapestry of beliefs, traditions and wisdom.
You belong to a form of witchcraft that is encompasses a familial coven, with knowledge and traditions that are passed down, often over many generations. At its core, it is a principle of an innate connection to magic that is familial, and whether your generation is the first to begin or one of many, the ancestral pull towards the practice speaks of an unbroken chain within the family, whether it is lost or not.
It can manifest through familial bonds who practice together, as the mothers or fathers teach their daughters or sons private traditions that are rarely shared with outsiders. This may include herilooms, tools and grimoire's being transfered from one generation to the next, where it is common to add their own entries.
It can also manifest through making the decision to begin as the first in the line to embrace the craft. This may include creating your first initial magickal bequests, such as your grimoire or altar, and sharing your journey of discoveries with your family, whether that may be your children, siblings or partner.
You are someone who prefers witchcraft that is rooted in the old ways of a specific culture. A traditional witch incorporates a historical approach to their practice, invoking folklore and deities while using methods of spellwork, rituals and charms which are unique to that culture, geographical region, or knowledge passed down from their ancestors. Often infusing Hereditary practices into their path, Traditional Witches may draw inspiration and develop a deep connection to traditions and folklore such as Appalachian Folk Magic, Sicilian Stregoneria, Celtic, Norse or Slavic, blending old beliefs and practices with modern tools and ideas.
You are someone who prefers to perform spellwork and rituals alone, and without a coven. This may be by choice, or simply, you have not yet found a coven you would like to work with.
Through this solidarity, you may pull from various paths and cultures, using the craft as part of a wider spiritual journey or you follow traditional paths, such as Alexandrian or Gardenerian beliefs. Your magical education is in your own hands and you are able to connect deeper with your practice when you are by yourself. Though you work alone, this does not mean you are alone, and you seek secondary opinions or guidance when needed, whether it is for ambigious results for your spellwork, interpretation of your tarot spread, or aspiring to learn new techniques.
You are guided by the magic and folklore of the home and hearth, and while nature also guides the Green Witch and whos practices are closely related, a Green Witch wish to make a home within nature, whilst you work to invite nature and all her elements inside your circle.
As you strengthen and honor your home as a sacred space, you incorporate herbalism and the four elements within your craft, and your practice centers around cooking and baking, candle making, weaving and sewing, to name a few. Without a doubt, you care deeply about ingredients and materials you use within your craft, and are likely to maintain your own herb and vegetable garden, seeking natural fibers and materials for spellwork.
You are the keeper and nurturer of your home or circle, with an emphasis on mindfulness and focus to transform the mundane into the magickal. Though not always introverts, it is not uncommon for you to work alone.
You are someone who embraces the power of nature, and you are guided by the cycle of the seasons and energy of the Earth. At its core, the magic and craft of nature is in finding harmony in the elements and establishing a deep connection of your soul to every living creature, no matter how small, and the ecosystem that encompasses your circle.
You incorporate natural objects and materials such as stones, crystals, gems, plants, flowers and herbs to create potions, herbal blends, oils and nourishment for healing, guidance and ritual-work. Often you are seen as a someone who is a herbalist, a wise-woman and healer, who serves as a pillar of the community and works to build a bridge between the old ways and the new by honouring the Earth's energy as it exist's in the world today.
You are someone who embraces their strong intuition and insight, maintaining your place as a keeper of unseen paths and an empathetic counselor within your community and/or coven. As you are guided by ritual and ceremony, your tools such as tarot, pendulumn, scrying, runes, tea-leaf reading and mediation, are heavily incorporated in your work.
Additionally, you incorporate components such as crystals, candles, incense and herbs, whilist abiding by the Luna Cycle and Seasons, as correspondences, timing and energy-infused alignments are impertive for impactful castings and readings.
You are someone who is guided by the magic and folklore of the home and hearth, typically incorporating herbal magic and aromatherapy, not unlike the Hearth Witch and Green Witch - if the home is the core, the natural and spiritual world forms the root of it.
At its core, this practice is a deeply personal and spiritual path, as a Hedge Witch dedicates her time to nurturing and growing her home and the land it sits upon, growing her own herbs, harvesting and drying them herself, speaking openly with the spirits of the land, the trees and plants, living mindfully and magically daily to build a strong connection. While a Hedge Witch operates alone, she is often at the outskirts of any community, as the term hedge once referred to the divide of the known and the unknown, of the village and the fringes. While the term still has meaning to this day, a Hedge Witch is not purposefully excluded, and is seen as a healer or wise woman whom crosses the boundary between our physical reality and the spirit world.
You belong to a form of witchcraft that is encompasses various traditions and paths that you pull into your craft that aligns with you and your needs. At its core, it is a principle of taking what you discover and crafting it into something entirely unique - there is no set path, no root in any defined practice, as it is true freedom and naked expression.
It can manifest through a number of combinations of all paths, and Eclectic Witches have the power to blend and weave these practices together through intuition, ceremony, and ritual, with modern practices including Reiki and Yoga. You do not worship any particular god or goddess, believing that any given diety is a singular energy resonance of the Divine, and the term divine is interchangably used with universe, source or energy. These archetypal energies are invoked in any particualr spellwork or ritual you craft, whether it be Venus to aid you in love or Mercury to aid you in a matter concerning communication.
You belong to a form of witchcraft that is encompasses a fascination and connection with the skies, stars, moon and planets. At its core, you are attuned to the cycles of the moon and work your craft in line with each of its phases, incorporating herbs, plants and crystals that correspond to each cycle to enhance rituals and ceremonies.
It can manifest through practices such astrology, wielding tarot cards or runes, or embracing the elemental magic of water. Lunar Witches have the power to blend and weave divination and dream-work together through intuition, ceremony, and ritual to interpret dreams and cultivate their spells, working closely with crystal, stones and candles in their work. They are not unlike Divination and Crystal Witches, as crystal work is a large part of this practice, along side utilising the illumination of the moon cycle to reveal unseen truths of our dreams and intentions for the future.
You belong to a form of witchcraft that focuses their practice through crystals, gemstones and minterals. At its core, it is a principle of attuning to the energies and metaphysical qualities of these natural resources, and you weave them intricately into your spellwork, rituals and spiritual work. All crystals emit certain frequencies and working with these frequencies forms the foundation of a Crystal Witch.
You incorporate crystals in practices such as chakra balancing and reiki, meditation, and potion making, and use other tools such as candles, essential oils, salt and natural fibers. One of the most well known tools in your kit is the Crystal Grid, and to put it simply, it is a collection of certain types of crystals placed in specific patterns to enhance your spells and rituals.
As a Crystal Witch, your practice is heavily focused on healing, balance and manifesting, and a key part of your work involves creating talismans and other crystal-infused items to channel these energies. Guided by your intuitive connection to the stones, you direct these vibrations to address specific problems and intentions in your castings.This practice often adopts aspects of traditions and elements from Divination Witchcraft and Lunar Witchcraft, as they are complementary to this path.
You are someone who may trace their lineage back through an unbroken line. This direct connection to the founding traditions of modern British Witchcraft lends legitimacy and authenticity to your practice. However, if this sounds unfamiliar to you, this is not always the case.
You may belong to Gardnerian Witchcraft, a neopagan religion of Wicca which was created by Gerald Garner. The term Gardnerian wasn't coined until the 1950s, and consists of a hierarchical system of a high priest and priestess, with covens limited to thirteen members. They are incredibly secretive regarding initiation into this religion, forbidding any member to share any personal information, and maintian specific tradition, however a core ethical guideline is often called the Law of Return or otherwise known as the Rule of Three. The energy or intentions one puts out into the world, whether magical or not, will return to that person multiplied by three - it reminds those to approach our thoughts and actions with great care and wisdom. They incorporated ritualistic and ceremonial practices in their daily actions.
Or you may belong to Alexandrian Witchcraft, similar in the sense that it is a formalised practice with its own traditions and initiations, however, there is never a formal leader of the coven, rather, all belong in an autonomous community, maintaining an attitude of openess as opposed to secrecy. Alex and Maxine Sanders were the initial practioners of this branch of witchcraft, with the term coined in 1971 by the journalist Stewart Farrar as he wrote his book What Witches Do, alongside Sanders. While this tradition can be traced to heavy Gardnerian influences, especially since Alex Sanders was one of Gerald Gardner's earliest initiates, they primarily embraced ceremonial and ritualistic magick, as well as incorporating elements of the Qabalah.