Footpath Crossfall
How many subcategories does Footpath Crossfall have?
How do you measure for a Footpath Crossfall?
Measure every 5 metres, take a photo with level
Measure at the steepest point that cannot be avoided, take a photo with the horizon at the top of the image. Include level in photo.
Measure at the steepest point, take a photo with the horizon at the top of the image. Include level in the photo.
No measurements and photos are required
Which one is the Crossfall measurement?
Orange is the crossfall. Blue is the gradient.
How should this crossfall be subcategorised?
When recording Footpath Crossfall, you need to record the steepest point that CANNOT be avoided. No matter where a wheelchair goes on this path, there is no way they can avoid the slope or go around it.
0.00 - 1.4 degrees
1.5 - 2.9 degrees
3.0 - 4.4 degrees
4.5 - 5.9 degrees
6.0 degrees +
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