Should we adopt a "Counter-offer Period" for the 2023-24 All Play fantasy football season?

Proposed Bylaw Change:

After a trade has been accepted, the league will have a designated period of 2 days (48 hours) during which any league member can suggest alternative trade ideas to the parties involved in the original trade. If either party wishes to back out of the original trade and accept the new, presumably better trade offer, the commissioner will facilitate the process. The commissioner will delete the original trade under the agreement that the new trade will be immediately offered and accepted.


  1. Enhanced Trade Opportunities: The Counter Offer Period encourages more active and dynamic trade discussions among league members. It provides an additional opportunity for teams to explore potential improved trade scenarios, leading to a more engaged and vibrant trade environment.

  2. Fairness and Transparency: Allowing alternative trade ideas during the Counter Offer Period ensures a fair and transparent trade process. It gives all league members a chance to voice their opinions and propose trade alternatives, contributing to a more inclusive decision-making process.

  3. Improved Trade Outcomes: By offering a window for potential improved trade proposals, this bylaw change aims to achieve more satisfactory and mutually beneficial trade outcomes for teams involved. It promotes open communication and negotiation, fostering stronger league camaraderie.


  1. Extended Trade Review Period: Implementing the Counter Offer Period may extend the time required for finalizing trades. This could potentially delay the completion of trades and impact teams' ability to adjust their rosters quickly.

  2. Subjectivity in Evaluating Trades: Introducing alternative trade ideas may introduce subjectivity into evaluating trade offers. Determining the "presumably better" trade could lead to disputes and disagreements among league members.

  3. Complexity and Commissioner Involvement: The inclusion of the Counter Offer Period may add complexity to the trade review process, requiring more commissioner involvement to facilitate trade adjustments.


  1. Increased Trade Engagement: The Counter Offer Period is expected to increase trade engagement among league members. More teams may actively explore trade opportunities, leading to a rise in the overall number of completed trades.

  2. Heightened Negotiation: The provision of a Counter Offer Period encourages teams to negotiate more actively, seeking mutually beneficial trade terms. Negotiation skills may become more valuable in completing successful trades.

  3. Positive League Dynamics: By promoting transparency and open communication, the bylaw change is predicted to enhance league dynamics. Encouraging alternative trade proposals fosters collaboration and camaraderie among team owners.

In conclusion, the introduction of a Counter Offer Period is an opportunity to enhance the trade experience within the league. It offers increased trade opportunities, transparency, and the potential for more satisfactory trade outcomes. However, it is essential to consider potential drawbacks, such as extended trade review periods and subjectivity in evaluating trades. With thoughtful consideration and active participation from league members, this bylaw change has the potential to create a more engaging and inclusive trading environment for all teams involved.

3 votes
Yes, we should adopt the counter-offer period as proposed
0 votes
No, we should not adopt a counter-offer period
0 votes