State Challenge!
Let's see what you know about ALL the states!
Which was the last of the 13 colonies to become a state?
Rhode Island, Map 1, is the 13th state!
Map 1
Map 2
Which STATE is 1st alphabetically?
Maryland (Map 2) is before Michigan (Map 1)
Map 1
Map 2
Which one of these is Mississippi?
Mississippi is Map 1. Alabama is Map 2.
We're going to try to trick you with these two -- so be ready!
We're going to try to trick you with these two -- so be ready!
Map 1
Map 2
Colorado is shown here. Does it border Texas?
Very close, but Oklahoma cuts it off -- so the answer is NO!
Which state's CAPITAL is first alphabetically?
Texas (Map 1) and New York (Map 2) both have capitals that begin with A. Remember that Albany is the very 1st capital alphabetically so if you ever see New York and you're sorting by capitals, you know New York is first!
Albany, NY
Austin, TX
Albany, NY
Austin, TX
Map 1
Map 2
What is the nickname of this state?
The Green Mountain State
The Mountain State
What is the capital of the state in red?
Remember: Columbus, Ohio and Columbia, South Carolina
Which state below is the Badger State?
Wisconsin (Map 1) is the Badger State.
Oregon (Map 2) is the Beaver State.
Oregon (Map 2) is the Beaver State.
Map 1
Map 2
Which state's CAPITAL is 1st alphabetically?
Phoenix (Arizona - Map 1) comes before Pierre (South Dakota - Map 2). Phoenix sounds like it begins with F, so don't get confused by that.
Map 1
Map 2
Which STATE is first alphabetically?
The states that begin with "New" come before the states that begin with "North."
So New York (Map 2) comes before North Dakota (Map 1)
So New York (Map 2) comes before North Dakota (Map 1)
Map 1
Map 2
You got {number correct}/{number of questions} correct answers
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