Which Political Party are you Most Affiliated With?
Answer these questions, and we'll tell you which political party is aligned with your views.
What are your views on environmental protection?
Government, both federal and local, is the greatest single polluter in the U.S.
People have the right to influence decisions that affect environmental quality in their communities.
Investment into the development of clean alternative fuels, as a way of helping the U.S. achieve energy independence.
Support increased domestic renewable energy development, in an effort to reduce carbon pollution.
How do you feel about the second amendment?
Individuals have the right to protect themselves.
I'd like to see the second amendment repealed.
Restrict police use of guns and all forms of control weapons.
I acknowledge, support, and defend the law-abiding citizen's right of self-defense.
What is your opinion on the Affordable Care Act?
In favor! It brings security and stability to the American people.
The solution to problems with the Affordable Care Act is a Single-Payer universal health-care system.
Defund it NOW!
Against! It does not improve health care conditions, and is a financial burden, especially on on individual states,
What are your view on illegal immigration and border control?
If an immigrant seeks to engage in peaceful, voluntary transactions that do not threaten the freedom or security of the native-born, the government should not interfere.
Undocumented immigrants should be granted a legal status which includes the chance to become US citizens with minimal processing fees and credit for all payments into the Social Security System
An open border puts our communities and our nation at risk. America must secure the border through fencing, technology, and military.
Illegal immigration is not a major problem. We face much more sever challenges.
What is your stance on abortion?
Women’s right to control their bodies is non-negotiable. It is essential that the option of a safe, legal abortion remains available. The “morning-after” pill must be affordable and easily accessible without a prescription.
I strongly and unequivocally supports Roe v. Wade and a woman's right to make decisions regarding her pregnancy, including a safe and legal abortion, regardless of ability to pay.
Promote adoption & abstinence, not abortion clinic referrals.
Abortion is a sensitive issue and that people can hold good-faith views on all sides, leaving the question to each person for their conscientious consideration (not the government).
What is your stance on welfare?
We must restore a federally funded welfare entitlement program.
Welfare system is rigged to replace work, not encourage work.
I oppose all government programs welfare programs. Private groups and individuals can help.
My line in the sand is protecting entitlement benefits for the poor and seniors.
What is your stance on education?
Make college tuition tax deductible.
I believe in the separation of education and State.
Higher education programs should directly relate to job opportunities.
I oppose corporate funding and privatization of education.
Democratic Party
The Democratic Party's philosophy of modern liberalism advocates social and economic equality, along with the welfare state. It seeks to provide government regulation in the economy.
Republican Party
The Republican party supports free market capitalism, free enterprise, business, a strong national defense, deregulation, restrictions on labor unions, social-conservative policies, and traditional values.
Libertarian Party
The Libertarian party seeks a world of liberty; a world in which all individuals are sovereign over their own lives and no one is forced to sacrifice his or her values for the benefit of others.
Green Party
The Green party promotes green politics, specifically environmentalism; nonviolence; social justice; participatory, grassroots democracy; gender equality; LGBT rights; anti-war and anti-racism.