What 'Designing Women' character are you?
If you're a fan of the classic series "Designing Women," there's a good chance you've got a hunch which Southern lady from the popular sitcom you're most like. Now, all you have to do is answer a few simple questions to know for sure! Are you strong-willed like Julia, charming like Suzanne, endlessly upbeat like Charlene or sweet and sensitive like Mary Jo? Get started to find out!
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We bet you're all kinds of outspoken, just like Julia Sugarbaker of "Designing Women," -- and we bet people love you for it! After all, who doesn't love a smart and witty Southern lady who knows how to put anyone and everyone in their place? And while Julia has plenty of worthwhile quotes -- we can recite her "the night the lights went out in Georgia" speech by heart -- this one about the South is a good one too!
"I'm saying this is the South, and we're proud of our crazy people. We don't hide them up in the attic. We bring 'em right down to the living room and show 'em off. See, Phyllis, no one in the South ever asks if you have crazy people in your family. They just ask what side they're on."
You got Charlene Frazier-Stillfield, which means you're as unique as they come (and maybe have a strong belief in psychics.) Charline was quirky as all get-out, and, with her upbeat attitude and friendly disposition, it's easy to see why she was such a beloved character for so many.
You got Suzanne Sugarbaker, meaning you're probably charming as all get-out when you want to be -- and know how to use it to get your way! And while Suzanne might have been know for being vain and a little bit spoiled, we bet you have a-whole-lot of heart, just like Suzanne did under that tiara and layers of make-up.
You go Mary Jo Shively, which means you must be loyal through-and-through and a great friend to all. Of course, many folks might want to take advantage of someone so kind, but we bet you -- just like Mary Jo, who could go toe-to-toe with Julia Sugarbaker when she needed to by the end of the series -- know how to hold your own with the best of 'em.