Online Anxiety Test
The answers you have given to this test indicate that you may be suffering with an anxiety disorder and you are experiencing many of the most common symptoms.
It is important to note that struggling with these symptoms does not necessarily mean you have an anxiety disorder; sometimes other medical conditions can result in these signs and for that reason we would always urge you to seek medical help to rule out any other conditions that could be causing these symptoms.
The answers you have given to this test suggest that you are likely to be suffering with an anxiety disorder and would benefit from seeking professional help.
Anxiety disorders can be very difficult to live with; we have many clients who talk about how exhausting and debilitating it is living with near constant levels of fear and anxiety.
The answers you have given to this test suggest that you are likely to be suffering with an anxiety disorder and would benefit from seeking professional help.
Anxiety disorders can be very difficult to live with; we have many clients who talk about how exhausting and debilitating it is living with near constant levels of fear and anxiety.