Which of the following is NOT a Seating subcategory?
Armrest is NOT a subcategory for Seating.
Backrest and Armrest
Wheelchair Space
What are the sub-subcategories?
There are none
Under 500mm, Over 600mm
Under 450mm, Over 500mm
What should this seating be subcategorised as?
Backrest > Over 500mm
Backrest > Under 450mm
Backrest and Armrest > Over 500mm
Backrest and Armrest > Under 450mm
No Backrest > Over 500mm
No Backrest > Under 450mm
Wheelchair Space
What should this seating be subcategorised as?
If it is directly on 500mm then it will be in the 'Over 500mm' category
Backrest > Over 500mm
Backrest > Under 450mm
Backrest and Armrest > Over 500mm
Backrest and Armrest > Under 450mm
No Backrest > Over 500mm
No Backrest > Under 450mm
Wheelchair Space
What should this seating be subcategorised as?
Backrest > Over 500mm
Backrest > Under 450mm
Backrest and Armrest > Over 500mm
Backrest and Armrest > Under 450mm
No Backrest > Over 500mm
No Backrest > Under 450mm
Wheelchair Space
Does this Seating have wheelchair space?
There is space enough for a wheelchair to sit, so yes, this seating has wheelchair space. Be sure that you drop the 'Wheelchair Space' pin in ADDITION to a 'No Backrest' seating pin.
Does this Seating have wheelchair space?
This is a trick question!
Technically, it does have wheelchair space! HOWEVER, for Smart Access standards, if the wheelchair has to go on grass to get there then it is not considered accessible for wheelchairs and therefore cannot be marked as Wheelchair Space.
If seating has space for a wheelchair, what is the pin dropped as?
Any seating that has space for a wheelchair MUST have a Wheelchair Space dropped IN ADDITION to the Seating pin.
Wheelchair Space
The type of seating it is (Backrest, No backrest, etc) with 'Wheelchair space' in the description
The type of seating it is, and an additional pin dropped for 'Wheelchair Space'
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