Which Monastery will you be a contender for?
Welcome to the opening ceremony of the Festival of the Eight...
Where seven contenders from rival monasteries must compete to replace Berun the Brusque, emperor Orrun.
Each contender is inspired by a sacred animal - Fox, Raven, Ox, Tiger, Monkey, Bear, Hound and lastly, the Dragon proxy - who will be revealed once trials have begun.
In this quiz, to celebrate the upcoming publication of The Raven Scholar by Antonia Hodgson, discover which of the monasteries you belong to and get ready for some cut-throat competition...
Welcome to the RAVEN flock! Inquisitive and clever, you love studying and debating, and exercising your mind with puzzles and quizzes. (Bet you loved these questions, eh?) A life of absorbing desk work could be yours if you can make it into Anat-ruar, the Raven monastery. Lawyers, ministers, archivists, researchers, scholars, teachers… so many great thinkers have studied there in black and purple gowns. Will you join them? You will have to read a lot of books, take a lot of tests, write a lot of essays, before they let you through those dark, wrought iron gates. But maybe that sounds fun…?
A lover of the arts, and festivals, and communal games… you must be a MONKEY! You are creative, empathetic, open to new ideas and experiences. You love time on your own, absorbed in your work and hobbies, but also take inspiration and energy from kindred spirits. Whether you’re an artist, writer, musician, actor, dancer, or perhaps you simply like discovering new, progressive ways to live – why not apply to Anat-shonn, the Monkey monastery? From vibrant Arbell City to the bohemian Three Ports, you are sure to find your heart and mind expanded by the experience.
A hearty slap on the back to you, friendly OX! Oxes are practical and level-headed, always looking to find harmony in every situation. They enjoy working in teams, and understand that in order to lead, first you must learn how to follow. The group comes before the individual, but your individuality is always respected and appreciated. The Ox monastery – Anat-ombras – has two sites, one specialising in engineering, the other in agriculture. But maybe you prefer to learn your skills on the job as an apprentice? If so, there are Ox Teams spread right across the empire, working hard and playing hard, and all looking forward to welcoming you.
There is no mistaking a TIGER when it reveals itself! Charismatic, ambitious, a peerless strategist with a ferocious will – you are ready to lead the empire in the right direction: yours! We might suggest a career in politics, or at the head of a family business, or as a high-ranking general. But who are we kidding, you have only one path in mind, and that’s the path to the throne. No doubt you have already secured your place at Anat-hurun, the Tiger monastery – it may be the most exclusive of all the eight monasteries, but how could they ever refuse you?
You are a FOX! Adaptable, spontaneous, adventurous, quick-witted and cunning, you live for the moment, and hate to be pinned down. Fancy a life as an explorer? A travelling merchant? How about an inventor, or wayward drifter (who says that can’t be an occupation?) Would you like to be a spy, or an imperial assassin? Don’t worry – there’s no need to make a decision now, and you can change your mind later. The Fox monastery Anat-russir is always ready to welcome a new face. The entrance exam? Just sneak your way in unobserved, that will be proof enough that you’re a suitable candidate.
Noble BEAR, we salute you! Integrity, courage, self-sacrifice – this is your creed, and the empire is grateful for your service. When you pick up your sword, it is always to defend the innocent and protect the realm. Or perhaps you are a healer, not a warrior? Either way, you love an outdoor life, and understand that taking care of your body, mind and spirit is paramount. Why not take the steep mountain path to the austere fortress of Anat-garra, the Bear monastery? Your Brothers and Sisters will always have your back, once you’ve passed the formidable endurance tests. (You don’t mind running a marathon with a heavy pack, then plunging into a freezing ice lake, do you?)
Enigmatic, aloof and mysterious, you are, of course, a DRAGON! But who are we to tell you who you are, you unknowable creature! The Eighth Guardian chose you long ago, and since that day you have disappeared into Anat-pyrrh, the Dragon monastery, to be with your kin. As the Dragon hoards its treasures, so you keep your secrets to yourself. In fact you have already glided away from us, graceful and sinuous – disappearing into thin air.
Where would we be without the loyal, conscientious HOUND? In a world of uncertainty, you understand the need for clarity and consistency. Justice, Order, Loyalty and Honour are the Four Tenets of the Hound. A good Hound officer lives by those tenets, and takes pride in protecting the empire from chaos. While there are numerous Hound Academies across the empire, you are clearly set for the Hound monastery Anat-quadin. In fact, we’d say you were the perfect candidate for the monastery’s elite training centre at Houndspoint. A few years of hard, focused work and you’ll be heading up your first squadron. And if you really apply yourself, you could rise to High Commander of the empire. Rulers wield great power, but who really runs things, on a day-to-day basis…?