What is your dominant energy?
We all have the energy of the Divine Masculine and the Divine Feminine within us. However, which is your dominant energy? Take this quiz and find out!
This also means that you have {result #2 percent} feminine energy.
You think with your head. Your decisions are based on logic and your sense of practicality. You are firmly grounded and realistic in your pursuits. You set goals and show the willpower and determination to achieve them. You think and work in a linear fashion, from point to point until reaching the end goal. You offer stability and security to those around you. Your purpose is to provide protection for those that need it. You set boundaries and are disciplined when ensuring they are not crossed. You are also honest and remain accountable for your actions. You don't think about it, you DO it. You are a constant to those around you and thrive from being needed and respected by others.
This means that you also have {result #1 percent} masculine energy.
You are an emotional being, not afraid to show how you feel and not afraid to share it with others either. You act in the pursuit of experiencing joy rather than an outcome or a goal.
You seek self-mastery but are more likely to sacrifice for the greater good. You are the loving mother; caring, compassionate and showing a sense of genuine empathy.
You are both cooperative and creative in the things that you do and define your success by the relationships you form. You are a gentle, sensitive being who makes decisions based on intuition. You are focused on the emotional world and the inner being. You think with your heart over logic and reason.