What type of Engineer could you be?
Which of the following shows would you most likely enjoy watching?
Medical TV Shows
Nature documentaries like Planet Earth
Science experiment TV shows
TV shows where electrical equipment like remotes and phones are pulled apart to see how they work
How would you like to impact the world?
I would love to work on providing power to developing communities
I would love to design and build rides for theme parks for families to enjoy
I would love to work in cyber security to protect our private information
I would love to help communities around the world have access to clean water
What sort of things would you like to do in your future job?
Create artificial organs to benefit humanity
Design an earthquake-proof building
Travel regularly as part of my job while working on big projects
I would love to work in the great outdoors
I am good at...
Spotting dangers
Looking for new efficient ways of doing something
Finding small mistakes and typos
Pulling things apart and putting them back together to making them even better
What project would you be most interested to work on?
I would love to create housing that is more environmentally friendly
I would love to build something that moves, like a fast car or a drone
I would like to invent my own gadgets, such as new communication devices
I would like to invent plastic that doesn’t pollute the earth
What would you not regret spending your spare time doing?
Cleaning up the beach to reduce plastic going into the ocean
Learning about the human body and how it works
Solving puzzles and playing games of logic and strategy
Going on treasure hunts
Which of the following statements do you most identify with?
I love getting electronic gadgets and instruments as presents
I used to, or still have, a large collection of Lego
I am good at putting together furniture, such as flat-packs from IKEA
I really like cooking and inventing new recipes
If you could invent, design, create or develop a project, which of the following would most interest you?
I would love to invent something that could help someone walk again
I would love to develop a strategic plan that would help us reduce our impact on the environment
I would love to program my own compute game or app
I would love to work with explosives and big machines
Have you ever....
Been fascinated by the equipment and machines in hospitals?
Been fascinated by robots and artificial intelligence?
Been fascinated by how traffic lights and signals work?
Been fascinated by the process of designing roads, bridges and transport systems in a city?
As a kid which of the following fun activities did you enjoy most?
I loved playing games that required me to work with my hands
I wanted to know more about how everyday objects are made
I liked playing in the sandpit
I enjoyed carefully designing complex play houses
Biomedical Engineer
Biomedical Engineers create and maintain specialised technologies in the medical field, improving the quality of life for everyone. This includes diagnostic tools, treatment devices, and exciting new innovations such as artificial limbs and 3D printed organs.
Environmental Engineer
Environmental Engineers help to conserve the environment by monitoring and providing solutions to all kinds of pollution. They help to reduce and reverse the negative effects of human impact, climate change, and natural disasters.
Software Engineer
Software Engineers use their expertise in coding languages to create and maintain the complex software systems that support modern society. They work on computer programs, mobile apps, cyber security, and other aspects of the digital world.
Mining Engineer
Mining Engineers work with geologists to investigate, plan and direct the extraction of useful minerals from the earth. They use their amazing organisational and leadership skills to conduct safe and efficient operations, often in exciting remote locations.
Chemical Engineer
Chemical Engineers design processes to transform raw materials and chemicals into more useful forms in efficient, clean and safe ways. This includes creating medicines, metals, plastics and synthetic materials, fuels, and food products.
Electrical Engineer
Electrical Engineers use their knowledge of power generation and electrical system to improve the way that we live and communicate. They are important to many industries, they include renewable energy, electronics, aviation, and robotics.
Civil Engineer
Civil Engineers design, construct and test the infrastructure in our world, such as bridges, harbours, airports, transportation networks, and water resources. They help communities develop into safe, connected, and productive cities.
Mechanical Engineer
Mechanical Engineers use their knowledge of materials, energy and structures to design machines and tools that are used across many industries and in our daily lives. This includes transportation, industrial machinery, domestic appliances, and space travel.