Discover Your Top Limiting Belief

There are many types of limiting beliefs that prevent us becoming the most authentic version of ourselves. In this quiz, we will concentrate on the Top 4 most common limiting beliefs:

  • 'I'm not good enough'.
  • Fear of failure.
  • Undeserving success / a good life.
  • 'I'm too old' and other self-effacing beliefs.

Take this quiz to find out which belief consistently impacts you and where the BeliefCraft Programme can help you. There are 20 questions, no time limit and the anwers you choose are private to you. If you see a 'Submit' button, you can choose more than one answer; if not, the survey will log the first choice you click on.

It may be helpful to screenshot your result.

It is important to note that the final result respresents your top limiting belief (scoring over 25%) of the total. The rest of is made up of the other limiting beliefs listed (plus a few not listed) and we may work with more than one on this flexible programme.