Discover Your Top Limiting Belief
There are many types of limiting beliefs that prevent us becoming the most authentic version of ourselves. In this quiz, we will concentrate on the Top 4 most common limiting beliefs:
- 'I'm not good enough'.
- Fear of failure.
- Undeserving success / a good life.
- 'I'm too old' and other self-effacing beliefs.
Take this quiz to find out which belief consistently impacts you and where the BeliefCraft Programme can help you. There are 20 questions, no time limit and the anwers you choose are private to you. If you see a 'Submit' button, you can choose more than one answer; if not, the survey will log the first choice you click on.
It may be helpful to screenshot your result.
It is important to note that the final result respresents your top limiting belief (scoring over 25%) of the total. The rest of is made up of the other limiting beliefs listed (plus a few not listed) and we may work with more than one on this flexible programme.
Complete the next five questions by choosing the one option that resonates as the most true. Go with your first instincts, the survey will log the first answer you choose.
Answer the next ten questions by clicking on the answer that matches how much you agree with each statement. The survey will log the first answer you choose.
Beliefs around not feeling good enough can transpire in the following ways:
- Self criticism
- Perfectionism
- Avoiding challenges
- Seeking validation
- Self-sabotage
- Comparing yourself to others
- Imposter Syndrome
- Difficulty accepting compliments and
- Downplaying acheivements.
At the root of this limiting belief, you doubt your abilities or intelligence, which can result in low self-esteem, anxiety and dissatisfaction.
Four branches of the BeliefCraft Programme make up the Remedy Tree, and your Remedy Branch will focus on Unshakable Self-Confidence and Authenticity.
What does this look like?
The programme is bespoke to you and your personal beliefs. We will delve into your core beleifs and where they came from. Often, making peace with the past provides a foundation upon which to build.
Making sense of your past through hypnosis can involve regression, for example, where you will create a safe space with me then hover over your timeline and revisit any situation that negatively impacted your confidence and self expression in the past.
From this, we are able to reframe the experience as a lesson and begin to embed new confidence messages in your subconscious. Along with this subconscious work, I will also support you with daily activities to 'anchor' your new beliefs, which help them to become established habits over the following weeks. If this feels like the closure and new start you have been looking for, get in touch with me, Shannon, today. We can dicuss your needs online or over the phone for free.
Limiting beliefs around worthiness are common and often linked to thoughts of "I'm not good enough." Both are rooted in a sense of inadequacy and self-worth but the beliefs and behaviours tend to present differently.
Those who do not feel good enough tend to doubt their abilities and intelligence across various contexts, whereas those who don't feel deserving of success doubt their entitlement to positive outcomes or rewards for their efforts and are often over achievers as a result.
This can transpire in the following ways:
- Attributing success to outside factors.
- Perfectionism or always striving for more.
- Tendancy to play down personal successes.
- Tendancy to not ask for concessions when needed, including personal time off.
- Actively avoiding or undermining opportunities for success.
Four branches of the BeliefCraft Programme make up the Remedy Tree, and your Remedy Branch will focus on Reframing your Success Mindset and Building Self-Compassion.
What will this look like?
Because success is subjective, it can mean different things to different people. So what does success look like for you? Perhaps you feel that you work too hard and want your efforts and achievements to be recognised? Similary, thinking about your home life, is the balance of responsibility on you? Would you benefit from discovering ways to regain balance without feeling guilty?
In the hypnotherapy stage of the programme, we will unpack and reframe your mindset around achievement and embed messages of self compassion to use any time you are drawn to self-criticism or over achievement. We will subconsiously create a more positive relationship with your achievements by defining what success means to you, without comparing your journey to others.
In the second stage of the programme, we begin to turn these new beliefs into sustainable habits. How? Through daily activities focusing on 'What went well' whilst monitoring your reactions to situations which previously prompted negative habits.
If you feel this process could work in setting you free from perfectionism, negative self-talk and always striving, get in touch with me, Shannon, today for a free informal chat.
When it comes to change, do you tell yourself you are too old? Too inexperienced? Too working class? Too shy?
This common set of limiting beliefs can present in the following behaviours:
- Lack of ambition
- Self-deprication
- Settling for less
- Resignation
- Seeking validation
- Comparing oneself to others
- Avoidance of risks.
All of the above can benefit from the BeliefCraft Programme. There are four branches which make up the Remedy Tree: you Remedy Branch will focus on Reframing your age/background as assets, and building on your personal strengths.
What does this look like?
Firstly, let's be honest with ourselves - everyone has a history! The way the human mind works is that we often compare out own history to that of others, especially when they seem to have experienced a 'better' upbringing than we did. But what if you could own your story rather than hiding from it?
The truth is, no matter how things look on the outside, we don't really know the struggles others have gone through. So, as a starting point for self-empowerment, we will unpack your limiting beliefs around any percieved barriers, whether they come from background, social status, age, sexuality or more.
Through belief resetting, I will help shift your focus to view your background or current situation as assets and embed self-belief messages, based on your strengths.
If this sound like the breakthrough you've been looking for, get in touch with me, Shannon today, for an informal chat.
To finally make peace with your percieved barriers to happiness is at the core of this programme. Let's work together to make it a reality.
Fear of failure is something that affects each and every one of us, especially when we are transitioning to something new that better aligns with our innate talents or interests. As common and debilitating as it can be, it is actually one of the easiest fears to work with in the subconscious. Fear of failure can transpire in a number of ways:
- Perfectionism
- Procrastination
- Self-doubt
- Avoiding challenges /changes
- Setting low goals
- Over-analysing
- Self-sabotage
- Seeking reasurrance
- Avoiding feedback/constructive criticism.
There are four branches that make up the BeliefCraft Remedy Tree, and your Remedy Branch will focus on Removing the Failure Mindset and Building Self-Confidence.
What does this look like?
In the initial hypnotherapy sessions, we will uncover where your fear of faliure stems from. This may involve timeline regression, where you will be able to hover over a situation and watch what happened from an observer's point of view. This is safe technique which also involves a safe place of your choosing, to return to any time you need to. The are many techniques in hypnotherapy and this is just one of them - every client is different and I will use the best approach for you.
Fear of failure does not always come from making mistakes or being criticised, it can develop as a symptom of generalised anxiety. This is also something we can work on; I have provided many people with practical coping techniques such as 'anchoring' a positive counter emotion to anxiety.
Understanding the root cause is our main objective, as this moves us on to embedding messages around safety and self-trust.
In the second phase, I will coach you through upgrades in your core beliefs with daily activities that keep track of small wins and support you to achieve any short term goals. If this sounds like something that would greatly improve your overall mental health and approach to life, please get in touch with me, Shannon, today.