Melody 1
This melody should be played at walking speed.
Andante is the Italian term for “walking speed”.
Which bar (measure) has all the notes of the tonic triad of G major?
The notes of the tonic triad of G major are G, B and D.
Bar 3
Bar 5
Bar 7
Bar 8
Which is the longest note in the melody?
The longest note has 2 beats, which is a minim / half note.
Semibreve / whole note
Quaver / 8th note
Minim / half note
Crotchet / quarter note
Bar (measure) 2 has the same rhythm as which other bar?
Both bars have the rhythm: crotchet quaver quaver crotchet (quarter note, eighth note, eighth note, quarter note).
Bar 3
Bar 6
Bar 7
Bar 8
The letter name of the highest note in the melody is...
The G which sits above the stave (staff) is the highest note, found at bar (measure) 6.
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