Overhead Clearings
What are the two types of Overhead Clearings?
Road and Hanging
Road and Path
Road and Footpath
How should you measure for an overhead clearing?
From the bottom of the ground to the highest point of the overhead clearing
From the bottom of the ground to the lowest point of the overhead clearing
No measurements needed
How should this overhead clearing be subcategorised?
Overhead Clearing - Footpath > 0.00m-1.39m
Overhead Clearing - Footpath > 1.40m - 1.69m
Overhead Clearing - Footpath > 1.70m-1.99m
Overhead Clearing - Footpath > 2.00m +
Overhead Clearing - Road > 0.00m-1.95m
Overhead Clearing - Road > 1.95m-2.09m
Overhead Clearing - Road > 2.10m-2.24m
Overhead Clearing - Road > 2.25m+
How should this overhead clearing be subcategorised?
Overhead Clearing - Footpath > 0.00m-1.39m
Overhead Clearing - Footpath > 1.40m - 1.69m
Overhead Clearing - Footpath > 1.70m-1.99m
Overhead Clearing - Footpath > 2.00m +
Overhead Clearing - Road > 0.00m-1.95m
Overhead Clearing - Road > 1.95m-2.09m
Overhead Clearing - Road > 2.10m-2.24m
Overhead Clearing - Road > 2.25m+
How should this overhead clearing be subcategorised?
Overhead Clearing - Footpath > 0.00m-1.39m
Overhead Clearing - Footpath > 1.40m - 1.69m
Overhead Clearing - Footpath > 1.70m-1.99m
Overhead Clearing - Footpath > 2.00m +
Overhead Clearing - Road > 0.00m-1.95m
Overhead Clearing - Road > 1.95m-2.09m
Overhead Clearing - Road > 2.10m-2.24m
Overhead Clearing - Road > 2.25m+
What should you take a photos of for Overhead Clearings?
The obstacle
The footpath
The obstacle and the measurement
The obstacle and the footpath
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