Melody 4
What is the time signature of this melody?
The symbol used is called “cut time”, which is another way of saying “2 minims (half notes) in a bar”.
4 crotchet (quarter note) beats in a bar
4 minim (half note) beats in a bar
2 crotchet (quarter note) beats in a bar
2 minim (half note) beats in a bar
This is a march. Choose one of the following words as a suitable tempo direction:
A march should be neither particularly fast or particularly slow. Andante is therefore the most appropriate tempo because it means “walking pace”.
All of the notes in this melody are within the key signature of D major.
The melody includes a F natural, which is not in the key signature of D major.
What does the > sign under some of the notes mean?
This sign means that the note is to be played with an accent.
Play the note staccato
Accent the note
Play note the note quietly
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