Test Your Street Smarts!
Drivers must yield to pedestrians at both marked and unmarked crosswalks.
There are legal crossings outside of marked crossing locations, specifically at all intersections. All sides of an intersection have crosswalks – marked or not, regardless of whether the sidewalk is paved or not. The only exception is where a state or local government has explicitly closed a particular crosswalk, and a sign must be placed at such a crossing to indicate that it is closed. If you are driving along a road and there is a cross-street, you must yield to any pedestrian in an unmarked or marked crosswalk at that intersection.
Even though bicycles are considered vehicles under Florida law and are allowed to ride on the road, some cyclists prefer to use sidewalks and that is allowed unless restrictions are specially posted (like in portions of St. Pete). Cyclists should note that as long as they are biking on a sidewalk or in a crosswalk, they have all the same responsibilities as pedestrians and must always yield the right-of-way to any other pedestrians while in a sidewalk or crosswalk. Cyclists must also provide an audible signal before passing pedestrians.
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Thanks for testing your Street Smarts. Visit the Safe Streets Pinellas website for more information about how you can help improve transportation safety in your community.
Thanks for testing your Street Smarts. Visit the Safe Streets Pinellas website for more information about how you can help improve transportation safety in your community.
Thanks for testing your Street Smarts. Visit the Safe Streets Pinellas website for more information about how you can help improve transportation safety in your community.
Thanks for testing your Street Smarts. Visit the Safe Streets Pinellas website for more information about how you can help improve transportation safety in your community.
Thanks for testing your Street Smarts. Visit the Safe Streets Pinellas website for more information about how you can help improve transportation safety in your community.
Thanks for testing your Street Smarts. Visit the Safe Streets Pinellas website for more information about how you can help improve transportation safety in your community.