What Food Should You Grow at Home?
The Patio Farmer is a firm believer that you CAN grow food at home, no matter how big (or small) your space is.
It's about time there was a quiz to figure out which vegetables matches your growing style best. Leave it to Farmer Erin from The Patio Farmer to lend a hand! This quiz will help you identify what edible plants you should grow at home based on your unique growing style and your growing space. This quiz will take into account the kind of space you have to be growing, how much time you have to tend to your plants, and more!
Answer the following 10 multiple choice questions to reveal your BVF (best veggie friend) plus a list of other crops with similar characteristics that also do well in any size space you have!
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You are colorful, dependable, and resilient! When it comes to choosing what you want to grow at home, you want a vegetable that matches these characteristics too.
Rainbow Chard can be planted and grown almost year-round in the southeast (zone 8). Rainbow Chard requires a minimum of 6 hours of sunlight. Rainbow Chard can withstand temperatures ranging from 25 - 95+ degrees. Rainbow Chard requires a moderate amount of care, nothing too crazy or involved, just a little extra watering in the summer and a handful of plant food here and there.
The bright, colorful stems provide a splash of positivity in any growing space. You can harvest from one plant over, and over, and over again. Rainbow Chard is resilient to many pests, and disease, making this low-stress, yet prolific, crop perfect for beginning, intermediate, and "well-seasoned" home food growers!
Other crops that may do well for you too? Carrots, parsley, and green onion!
The Patio Farmer is here to help your green thumb GROW! Be sure to check out The Patio Farmer's website for a full list of services, supports, and to listen to The Growing Space Podcast (new episodes are shared every Tuesday!)
You are detail oriented, a problem solver, and a showstopper! When it comes to choosing what you want to grow at home, you want a vegetable that matches these characteristics too.
Tomatoes are grown in the summer season, or when all risk of frost or freeze has past. Seedlings can be transplanted from mid-April through the fourth of July. Tomatoes need at least 8 hours of direct sunlight. Some tomatoes, like cherries or "bush" varieties, can do well in pots and large containers however on the whole, tomatoes do best when planted in raised beds or directly in the ground. Tomatoes need LOTS of room both above the soil, and within the soil, to grow. Space your tomato plants every 2-3 feet in fertile soil.
Tomatoes are on most peoples' "must grow" list however these tasty gems can be quite tricky to maintain. Tomato plants require consistent attention whether it be for inspecting for pests and disease or for trellising or pruning or keeping up with harvests or making sure the plants have the right nutrients and water... it's no easy task to keep up with tomato plants. Since you are super detail oriented and are a diligent problem solver, this should be no problem for you!
Other crops that may do well for you too? Cucumber, summer squash, pole beans, and pumpkins
The Patio Farmer is here to help your green thumb GROW! Be sure to check out The Patio Farmer's website for a full list of services, supports, and to listen to The Growing Space Podcast (new episodes are shared every Tuesday!)
You are a quick learner, enjoy seeing results, and make a great friend! When it comes to choosing what you want to grow at home, you want a vegetable that matches these characteristics too.
Radishes are delightful root vegetables that can be easily sown from seed directly in a pot, raised bed, or in the ground. Radish grow super fast. From the time your radish seed sprouts to when it's ready to harvest is less than a month! Radishes come in all kinds of colors and sizes. Start with a nice, cherry red radish and work your way up to a hearty daikon! Radish requires 6+ hours of direct sunlight, and a little extra phosphorus in the soil to grow strong roots. Add a little rock phosphate to your soil before you sow.
Homegrown radish is usually more flavorful (and spicy!) than storebought. The spiciness of radish combined with the tiny hairs you can see growing on the radish leaves make this little root vegetable a great companion in your growing space. These characteristics help to keep bad bugs and other unwanted visitors away!
Other crops that may do well for you too? Lettuce, spinach, arugula, bok choy
The Patio Farmer is here to help your green thumb GROW! Be sure to check out The Patio Farmer's website for a full list of services, supports, and to listen to The Growing Space Podcast (new episodes are shared every Tuesday!)
You are busy, well-intentioned, independent, and love to cook! When it comes to choosing what you want to grow at home, you want a crop that matches these characteristics too.
Perennial herbs include a whole host of plants including rosemary, oregano, thyme, sage, mint, chives, lemon verbena, lemon balm, and many others! Perennial herbs grow year-round in all kinds of climates. They require 4 to 6+ hours of sunlight. Perennial herbs are hearty plants! They are either evergreen or return year after year. They prefer well-draining soil and can be grown in pots, in raised beds, or used as edible landscaping. If you plant mint, be sure to keep it in a pot! Mint loves to spread. On the whole, perennial herbs require minimal attention and care, once established.
Perennial herbs can be harvested from throughout the year and add the perfect pop of flavor. Perennial herbs are great additions to a patio, porch, deck or right outside the kitchen for easy, quick, access. You'll save tons of money by growing your own herbs instead of buying those silly clamshells in the grocery store too! Plus, if you happen to go out of town for a long weekend or family vacation, chances are, your herbs will be just fine while you're away!
Other crops that may do well for you too? Basil in the summer, strawberries
The Patio Farmer is here to help your green thumb GROW! Be sure to check out The Patio Farmer's website for a full list of services, supports, and to listen to The Growing Space Podcast (new episodes are shared every Tuesday!)