What Kind of Dog Owner Are You!?
Do you think dog poo is good for the environment?
Yes it good for the environment.
Yes it is good for the environment, but I don't want someone to stand on it, so I bag it.
No, definitely not good for the environment!
You have bagged your dogs poo, but there is no bin around. What do you do?
Carry the bag until there is a bin, it's easy to tie to their leash.
Leave the bag somewhere out of the way, at least I bagged it so nobody stands on it right?
Eww yuck, I wouldn't touch it to put it in a bag!
Your dog just did a poo during their walk, but nobody is around. What do you do?
Pick up their poo, I always do!
Just leave it, nobody saw it happen right?
Your dog just did a poo during their walk and there are people watching. What do you do?
Pick up their poo, I always do!
Pick up their poo, you don't want to be judged!
Walk away and leave it.
Do you carry bags with you on your walks?
Yes! I have a bag carrier attached to the leash. They are just soo stylish!
I try to remember to put a couple in my pocket just in case.
Nope, I don't have anywhere to store them.
Nope, I will use the council bags if they are around.
It depends where we are going for a walk.
You've picked up your dogs poo because people were watching, but now they are gone. What do you do?
Eww yuck, I wouldn't touch it to put it in a bag!
Leave the bag somewhere out of the way, at least I bagged it so nobody stands on it right?
Carry the bag until there is a bin, it's easy to tie to their leash.
Your dog has gone to the toilet on their walk and there is a bin nearby with dog poo bags attached. What do you do?
Pick up their poo, I always do!
Pick up their poo, but only because it is convenient.
Walk away and leave it.
Proud to pick up
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It is the right thing to do
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I have done my job
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Only if I have to
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