Instrument: Hemostat
Which hemostat is also known as a baby snap.
Hartman Clamp
Kelly Clamp
Crile Clamp
Halsted Clamp
Which hemostats is used to clamp off vessels.
Crile Clamp
Allis Clamp
Kelly Clamp
Backhaus Clamp
Which hemostats is not use to secure surgical drapes.
Backhaus Clamp
Jones Clamp
Ball and Socket Clamp
Allis Clamp
Which hemostats are used to clamp tubes temporarily.
Mixter Clamp
Vorse Clamp
Halsted Clamp
Crile Clamp
Cracked box locks on hemostats can be welded/repaired.
No. Cracked box locks must never be welded/repaired. This practice will result in an unstable instrument that may crack/rust and cause patient safety issues.
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