The Pathway to Salvation
Lesson Two - Sin Separates Us from God
1. The first few chapters of Genesis illustrate. (Genesis 3:11; 6:5)
a. How faithful mankind can be
b. The problem of sin
c. That God does not care for His people
d. How each generation is better than the previous
2. This man’s family would be the line through which the Savior would come: (Genesis 12:3)
a. Abraham
b. Cain
c. Esau
d. Ham
3. Which statement best explains the reason for sacrifices? (Romans 5:12)
a. God hates animals
b. Helps to control animal population
c. Reminder of man’s good standing before God
d. Where there is sin there is death
4. To bruise the head of Satan. (Hebrews 9:13-14)
a. Animal sacrifices must continue to be offered
b. Humans will eventually get better and stop sinning
c. God’s grace and mercy would be seen in a Savior
d. God is still developing a plan for dealing with this
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