The King Hero's Journey Archetype Quiz
This Archetype Quiz is a great first step towards...
- Finding meaning and purpose in a world full of meaningless junk.
- Solving a crisis with the most grace.
- Gaining mastery at your inner game without having to suffer unnecessarily.
- Accepting a calling and getting on your Journey to make a difference.
- Sourcing the inner strength that keeps you going for the long haul.
Awakened Nurturer
The Awakened Nurturer is a good provider, often taking care of their children, partner, business and work, the bank and the government. They are loyal, generous and selfless in doing whatever it takes to be a good provider or good caregiver.
Shadow Nurturer
The Shadow Nurturer struggles with boundaries and is vulnerable to breakdowns - physically, emotionally and mentally hitting the wall. On the outside, they want to make everyone happy, but may have to admit secret resentments to those that they help.
Awakened Alchemist
The Awakened Alchemist is the inner visionary who can see from outer and inner heights. They access power within, from the Source, can mend what's broken, and are transformers in their world.They are constantly evolving into the next higher version of themselves, and replace muscle and sweat with deep inner work to remove the blocks of synchronicity and precise action. They are creators that manifest their own unique value and projects.
Shadow Alchemist
The shadow Alchemist is also constantly transforming, but without a clear vision. They shift their focus in relationships and career to avoid facing their unhealed parts.Trapped in a love-hate view of life, they isolate themselves and hide their true power from others.
Awakened Warrior
The Awakened Warrior is hard-working, mission-driven and on course for fighting the righteous fight.
They fearlessly take on the slaying of the inner dragons and demons and build emotional mastery so they can be a champion in their world.
Shadow Warrior
The Shadow Warrior struggles to be disciplined, consistent and strategic in their dealings. They resist the unconquered territory within and let it stop them from self-actualizing to their next level.
Awakened Rebel
The Awakened Rebel is ready to take up the fight for their causes. They feel the righteous anger against what's broken and bring harm to the kingdom.
They are empowered change-makers who don't fear losing approval from others. In business and purposeful work, they are a force for the movement they want to build.
Shadow Rebel
The Shadow is the Rebel without a cause. They fight everything outside because they won't fight the enemy within. They can fight out of boredom because they don't want to work.
Consumed with anger and hostility to authority, the shadow Rebel lives in constant conflict.
Awakened Lover
The Awakened Lover is passionate about truth and being a living embodiment of their own. They voraciously educate themselves so they can master the direction of their own life.
Soulfully connected, they make their world in their own image, creating more of what they are devoted to and want to experience.
Shadow Lover
The Shadow Lover expresses as obsessively seeking knowledge, the approval of others and getting things 'just so'. They are swept away by compulsive needs without regard for how it saps their energy and that of those around them as well.They are willing to die to get love, rather than give it.
Awakened Hedonist
The Awakened Hedonist knows that pleasure is a path to God, and knows how to discriminate between real and fake pleasure. It's important for them to both give and receive pleasure through their relationships, quality of life, business and work and finances. They value a luxurious experience of life.
Shadow Hedonist
In the shadow, the Hedonist can be driven by emptiness, at the mercy of addictions, and letting the blind search for pleasure decay their strength. They don't manage the stresses of life and turn to the wrong things to soothe them.
They fill the empty void with pseudo connections and hits of dopamine and avoid the good side of going through relationship conflict and difficulty that can lead to greater intimacy, purpose and freedom.
Awakened Child
The awakened Child is tied with the power of natural cycles and elements and with the unreasonable power of their eternal nature. They see up close, in detail, and with five sharp senses that know exactly what is energy gain, and what is energy loss.
With this knowledge and eyes open the Child can harness the Divine power inherent in Nature. This is a place of new beginnings and resolve to get on and stay on the Journey.
Shadow Child
In extremes, the shadow Child lacks executive skills and lives in denial about their circumstances and their calling.They get lost in betrayal and abandonment and refuse to leave the ordinary "safety" to follow their sacred purpose. This can be weaponized against people who are deemed useless, incapable, and not able to realize their potential.
The shadow of the Child may show up at times of loss, abrupt chaos eruptions, and getting the rug pulled out from underneath them. The shadow is a reset that pulls them out of denial about the inner work that's called for.
Awakened King
In its awakened state, the King is a powerful provider. They are able to assume responsibility for themselves and that of potentially many others such as family, community, business, work, movement, and a whole kingdom.They are benevolent, leading with the greater good of their kingdom in mind. They spend precious time innovating and strategizing solutions to the problems faced by their people.
Shadow King
In their shadow state, the King is obsessed with power. They lose sight of their benevolent intentions and seek power for its own sake. They are easily corruptible by forces of greater power and may sacrifice their subjects for their own aggrandizement. Their actions become about getting and preserving power and status. They neglect their inner game because of the pain of that hunger and either their own health, relationships and empires can fail.