(VNCON 2024) Elevating Veterinary Nutrition to a Standard of Care: Implementing the 4 Paws Method for Effective Client Communication (OnDemand Webinar)
Dr Bryony Senic BSc, BVMS
What are the 5 vital assessments?
Correct answer:(a)
a) Temperature, pulse, respiration, pain, nutrition
b) Pulse, temperature, respiration, nutrition, proprioception
c) Temperature, pulse, blood pressure, pain, nutrition
d) Pulse, respiration, proprioception, neurological, nutrition
A client's primary concern must be addressed for the client to feel satisfied with the visit
Correct answer:(a)
a) True
b) False
Which of the following examples is not recommended for gathering information about a pets diet as it typically gets answered as though it is a closed question?
Correct answer:(c)
a) “Tell me what your pet eats over the course of the day”
b) “Describe for me what your pet eats over the course of the day”
c) “What kind of food does your pet eat?”
d) “Walk me through what your pet eats during the day”
What follow up protocol is ideal after making a recommendation?
Correct answer:(d)
a) Check in phone call 2 months later
b) No follow up is required
c) Recheck in 6 months
d) Check-ins at 1 week, 2 weeks and 2 months
What are the 3 key strategies for reflective listening?
Correct answer:(a)
a) Echo, paraphrase, summarise
b) Echo, paragraph, summarise
c) Elevate, paraphrase, submit
d) Elevate, paragraph, submit
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