UPROOT Quiz - What is holding you back?
As humans, we are all impacted by negative patterns that hold us back in reactive and unproductive ways of being.
Take our 2-minute UPROOT quiz to discover how common root conditioning keeps you stuck. Start to build the self awareness you need to help you understand the conditioning that serves you well and not so well.
How Empowered are you?
Now that you’ve completed the quiz, your self awareness is starting to UPROOT your common root conditions. Continue the journey by learning more about our UPROOT curriculum and plant the seeds to grow physically, mentally and emotionally. The UPROOT curriculum is the greatest gift that you can give to yourself and others.
Your main opportunity for growth lies in the following root cause:
The root causes of protecting behaviors are the overidentification with the intellect and the resistance to feeling; a limitation in the process of being present or experiencing something in the moment. The fear under the surface of this root cause is the fear of being overwhelmed by emotions, feelings or thoughts and being rejected or misunderstood.
Now that you’ve completed the quiz, your self awareness is starting to UPROOT your common root conditions.
Continue the journey by signing up for our UPROOT curriculum beginning September 2022 and plant the seeds to grow physically, mentally and emotionally. The UPROOT curriculum is the greatest gift that you can give to yourself and others.
Sign Up Here: https://christybelz.com/uproot/
Full Results:
Protecting {result #1 percent}
Complying {result #2 percent}
Controlling {result #3 percent}
Your main opportunity for growth lies in the following root cause:
The root cause of complying behavior is longing. There is something outside of yourself that you need to feel complete. Longing, in the sense of a goal or something you want to do for yourself, is obviously different than the longing for an intangible "missing piece" that movies often romanticize in the form of a soul mate or an unknown "purpose" that has to be fulfilled before one's life can be viewed as a success.
Now that you’ve completed the quiz, your self awareness is starting to UPROOT your common root conditions.
Continue the journey by signing up for our UPROOT curriculum beginning September 2022 and plant the seeds to grow physically, mentally and emotionally. The UPROOT curriculum is the greatest gift that you can give to yourself and others.
Sign Up Here: https://christybelz.com/uproot/
Full Results:
Protecting {result #1 percent}
Complying {result #2 percent}
Controlling {result #3 percent}
Your main opportunity for growth lies in the following root cause:
The root cause of controlling behavior comes from the conditioning of forcing (trying to force an outcome). There is an underlying fear that if "I don't make it happen, it won't happen. People who exhibit the behaviors associated with the energetic patterning of "forcing" conditioning feel an inherent need to be the "doer." There is the assumption that "I am my ego" and there is a very strong sense of separation and distance from others. People who are highly encumbered by the Controlling dimension feel that life is a perpetual struggle and they need to try and control every aspect of it merely to survive.
Now that you’ve completed the quiz, your self awareness is starting to UPROOT your common root conditions.
Continue the journey by signing up for our UPROOT curriculum beginning September 2022 and plant the seeds to grow physically, mentally and emotionally. The UPROOT curriculum is the greatest gift that you can give to yourself and others.
Sign Up Here: https://christybelz.com/uproot/
Full Results:
Protecting {result #1 percent}
Complying {result #2 percent}
Controlling {result #3 percent}