Melody 3
What is the time signature being used?
4 crotchets (quarter notes) in a bar.
2 minims (half notes) in a bar.
3 crotchets (quarter notes) in a bar.
8 quavers (eighth notes) in a bar.
Describe the time signature of this melody.
Cut time means two minim beats in a bar. Minims are split into two crotchets, so it is simple time. There are two minims in each bar, so it is simple duple time.
Simple quadruple
Simple duple
Compound duple
Simple triple
What is the interval between the first two notes in bar 8?
minor 6th
major 6th
perfect 5th
Which instrument is this melody likely written for?
In which two ways are bars 9 and 10 similar?
They have the same rhythm
They're played at the same speed.
They both start with a descending scale.
They're played at the same pitches.
What does the sign above the notes in bars 6 and 7 mean?
Sustain the note for its full length.
Play the note detatched.
Accent the note.
Pause the note.
What reasons are there for thinking that the climax of the melody might occur at bar 8? (There are two correct answers).
Its almost the end of the melody
Its the loudest point in the melody.
Its the fastest point in the melody.
It has the highest pitch notes.
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