Central Quiz
Just a quick overview to test for yourself what you have retained so far. Just have fun with it! It's not a test of knowledge, but can put some information into perspective.
We view Islam as equal to any other branch of the Judeo Christian faith. Muslims actually believe in the Biblical prophets and there is a story about how the Arab nations came to be when Abraham had a child with an Egyptian woman.
Apotheosis is the process of a mortal becoming divine. We see this in many religious stories including in the Bible, Hindu texts and Greek mythology,
While this could just be a story of a hero combating two snakes to show that even as a child he was special, it is more likely a representation of the symbol of enlightenment. This is also seen in the Caduceus of Greek mythology. Hermes' or Asclepius' staff is where we get the medical symbol of a snake on a stick.
If you think about it, most cultures were Monolatrous in some ways. Some Greeks would build a temple to Athena and hold Her above the others. This practice of choosing one Entity was taken to the extreme in the Judaic belief system.
The Ouroboros is a snake and is a great symbol we will cover later on. The Seal of Solomon is a widely used hexagram symbol in the Occult and even on the flag of Israel. The snake on a stick however is more ancient and meaningful than any of these, even Steven Seagal.
Although it sounds like the utterance of a caveman, the city is referred to as Ur. Abraham came from the Mesopotamian land which was to be the land of the Chaldeans or Magi.
El was the Supreme God that gave His son Yahweh the nation of Jews. The children of El were Gods including the Jewish God Yahweh.
They built the Tower of Babel from which the Human Migration began.
While it could be argued that all of the answers provided here are describing the same beings, the Sumerian translation is Anunnaki. They lived for long periods of time, were part of an advanced civilization and taught mankind the sciences, spirituality and much more.
The Trinity theology most likely came from pagan Roman origins. Not only does the word Trinity not appear, but there are no mentions of a Triune Deity concept in the Bible. However, the word 'Logos' is translated into the capitalised 'Word'. God basically spoke through Jesus and gets very interesting if you look up the Logos concept.