Timeline Quiz
Wallingford Museum’s amazing new bone china mug provides its user with a history of Wallingford Castle.
We are using the artist's illustrations for the mug for the timeline quiz.
You can also buy the mug in the museum shop, when it opens after COVID.
Which King of England, Scotland and Ireland fought the armies of the English and Scottish parliaments, in the English Civil War? PS Wallingford Castle was on the King's side.
King Charles 1
King James I
King Charles II
King William I
Robert D’Oiley, a Norman lord, built Wallingford Castle in1067. What type of castle were the Normans remembered for building?
Mound and Keep
Motte and Bailey
Bucket and Spade
How did Henry VIII treat Wallingford Castle?
He spent money on new buildings.
He enjoyed visiting.
He allowed it to become a ruin.
He preferred Wallingford Castle to other castles and palaces.
Which Saxon King built and fortified the town of Wallingford?
How long was the 1646 siege of Wallingford?
12 weeks
12 days
12 months
14 weeks
Which King granted a Charter to Wallingford?
Henry I
Henry IV
Henry VIII
Henry II
In which year did William’s army cross the Thames at Wallingford? Clue - after the Battle of Hastings.
In which century was Wallingford Castle Matilda’s stronghold?
10th Century
13th Century
12th Century
11th Century
Which Cromwell ordered Wallingford Castle to be demolished?
Failure is not a bad thing
Good try, have another look at the timeline
Not great, but it could be worse!
Ok room to improve.
You did well! You could, however, do better.
You did ok but plenty more for you to discover.
Amazing! You really know your quotes!
Amazing! You really know your timeline.