How well do you know Genealogy?
Genealogy is the study of families, family history, and the tracing of their lineages. How much do you know about genealogy? Take our quiz to find out!
How many Americans are estimated to be related to one or more of the pilgrims who sailed to America on the Mayflower?
The Mayflower was a ship from England that transported the first English Puritans, known today as the Pilgrims, from Plymouth, England, to the New World in 1620.
There were 102 passengers, and the crew is estimated to have been about 30.
There were 102 passengers, and the crew is estimated to have been about 30.
35 million
3 million
What does DNA stand for?
A human DNA molecule is made up of two strands wrapped around each other like a twisted ladder. While there are many different types of DNA test, there are really only three tests which are used for genealogy research: the Y-chromosone (Y-DNA) test, the mitochondrial (mtDNA) test and the relatively new - and very popular - autosomal (atDNA) test.
DeoxyriboNucleic Archetype
DermaNucleic Acid
DeoxyriboNucleic Acid
DermaNitric Axis
What is a haplogroup
Haplogroups pertain to a single line of descent. As such, membership of a haplogroup, by any individual, relies on a relatively small proportion of the genetic material possessed by that individual. If you meet someone who shares your haplogroup, it does not mean you are closely related. It means your ancestors followed a similar migration path.
A population group of people who share common aesthetic traits, such as hair and eye color
A genetic population group that can trace roots back to Eastern Africa
A genetic population group of people who share a common ancestor
A group of people originally from the Eastern Hemisphere
What causes red hair?
Known as an MC1R mutation. As a recessive trait it must be inherited from both parents to cause the hair to become red. Consequently there are far more people carrying the mutation for red hair than people actually having red hair. tudies have demonstrated that people with red hair are more sensitive to thermal pain and also require greater amounts of anesthetic than people with other hair color.
Genetic mutation that is passed from the fathers side
Recessive genetic trait caused by a series of mutations
Ancestral origin in Ireland/Scotland/England
Lack of exposure to Vitamin D dating back at least 3 generations
People that do not like the taste of Cilantro, often claim it tastes like which of these?
Variation in the OR6A2 gene has been identified as a likely cause of some people's strong dislike of cilantro.
Rotten lemons
Which of the following is not an occupational related surname?
Berg is a topographic name for someone who lived on or by a hill or mountain, from Middle High German berc. This name is widespread throughout central and eastern Europe.
How many third cousins does the average person have?
Using a model where a family has 2-3 children, you would have 190 third cousins, 940 fourth cousins and 4,700 fifth cousins!
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