Customer Information Form Template

Collect information about your customers to help you understand their needs and provide them with exceptional service.

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Customer Information Form

We would like to know more about you! Answer a couple of our questions to help us provide you with the best service we can.
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A customer information form is useful for getting to know your customers. Familiarizing yourself with their needs and preferences will help you give them products and services that check all the boxes. 

This customer-oriented approach is also sure to keep them coming back for more. So, design a form using our template, or create your own from scratch with our form maker, embed it on your website, and start reaping the benefits!

What Information to Collect?

The more information you have on your customers, the better you’ll be able to meet their needs. But what type of information can you collect using a customer information form? 

Below are some tips to help you get started. Of course, you are free to customize your form depending on your business and the products or services you offer.

Contact Details

Contact information is essential if you want to stay in touch with your customers. This can include their name, email address, phone number, or even their physical address if you do deliveries. 

Once you have your customer’s contact details, you can notify them about promotions and loyalty programs, follow up with customer satisfaction surveys, and more.

Customer Preferences and Specific Information

This category can include a variety of questions, depending on the type of products and services you offer. Say you run an online sports equipment store. In this case, you’d want to know your customer’s favorite brand(s), the sport they are practicing, and their favorite team, for example. 

The questions you want to include here are very business-specific. However, their purpose is universal: knowing precisely what your customer needs. Once you have this information, you’ll be able to compare their needs with your ability to meet them and adjust where possible or make recommendations.

Information About Past Experiences

The questions you want to ask in this category relate to your customer’s history with your brand, products, and competitors. Ask them about any issues they’ve encountered and how they’ve been resolved, what they like about the product you are selling, why they’ve switched from your competitors, etc. 

The answers to these questions will give you invaluable insight into your customer’s needs, their satisfaction with your brand, and their level of brand loyalty.

buyer and seller

Making the Most out of Your Customer Information Form

Below are some tips to help you create an engaging customer information form that will resonate with your audience and encourage more responses.

Don’t Ask for too Much Information

The purpose of a customer information form is to help you serve your customers more effectively. Keep this in mind when designing it, and make sure to only ask for essential information. You want your customers to understand you respect their time and privacy.

Make It Easy for Them

Do all you can to make the form-filling process easy and accessible for your respondents in order to lower the barrier of entry. 

  • Use a form that’s responsive and mobile-friendly so that they can access and answer it on any device. 

  • Send it to them on the communication channel that’s most convenient to them. For example, you can make it an email form, a WhatsApp form, or a LinkedIn form

  • Make it short, simple, and friendly. The less effort they need to put in, the better. 

Help Your Respondents Understand the Purpose of the Form

Make sure your customers are aware of why you are collecting information from them. You can do this by starting off the customer information form by stating its purpose. Keep the tone friendly and make sure the respondent never feels like you are only after their input for personal gain.

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