Product Order Form Template

Collect product orders from your customers online. Keep your orders organized and provide them with a smooth experience shopping with you.

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Product Order Form

Order your fruit and veggies right here, and they will magically appear on your doorstep in a couple of hours!

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Create a personalized product order form and use it to collect orders for your business online. A customized form will simplify the ordering process and ensure you have an organized overview of all the orders your customers place. 

You can create one from scratch with our form maker or use our template and modify it to suit your brand and the products you offer.

What is a Product Order Form?

A product order form is an online document used for placing and collecting product orders. They are designed to make the ordering process easier both for the customer and the vendor and include all the information needed to streamline the process. Needless to say, it is essential for any business looking to sell its products online.

Why Use a Product Order Form

Apart from the obvious reason of being able to sell products online, a product order form also has a couple of other benefits and advantages over other means of taking orders.

A Smooth & Simple Ordering Process

Make sure your customers have a smooth experience when ordering from you online. Even if you have the best product on the market, if a customer has a hard time reaching you, they are likely to just give up and take their business elsewhere. A product order form will not only allow them to place their order in a couple of clicks, wherever they are but will also make things easier for you. 

Organized Information

A well-designed product order form contains all the information you need to deliver the goods to the buyer. This reduces the chance of errors and ensures all orders are handled correctly. Additionally, having all the orders organized and in one place will allow you to access any details you need from a particular order in no time.

What To Include in Your Product Order Form?

Depending on the specifics of your industry, the fields you want to include in your form will vary. However, there are several segments universal for all types of products and forms.

Contact Information

Make sure you ask your customer for their contact details. These include their name, phone number, and email address. This will allow you to contact them if needed, include them in your loyalty program, or follow up with some special offers or a customer satisfaction survey. Of course, you’ll also need the delivery address.

The Products You Offer

List all the products you have available for your customers to choose from, along with the price per unit. Once they have chosen the product they want to order, include a field where they can enter the quantity.

Special Instructions Box

Although not necessary, a textbox for additional instructions can come in handy if there’s any additional information about the order or delivery your customer would like you to keep in mind.


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