Churn Survey Template
We're sorry to see you go. Please answer a few short questions before you leave. It'll help us offer you better service next time.
How would you rate your experience with our product?
5 - great
4 - good
3 - ok
2 - disappointing
1- Very disappointing
Why are you downgrading?
It's too expensive for me
Missing a feature
Didn't get enough traffic/responses
My project ended
Missing an integration
I had problems using the service
I found a better solution
If you get another relevant project would you upgrade again?
Can you tell us why you wouldn't upgrade again?
What problem did you have with the service?
What solution did you move to?
Why did you prefer their service over ours?
If our price were lower would you consider changing your mind?
Yes, I would consider it
No, continue with downgrade
Give us your email and we'll get back to you on that
Which feature are you missing?
Which integration are you missing?
Which features did you find difficult to use?
Exporting results
Item builder
Adding items to my site
Skip logic / logic jumps
Social sharing
Design themes
Before we part, is there anything we can do to improve the service for you?
Thank you for your feedback, we appreciate it!
If there is anything we can do to further help please contact us using the on-site chat.
Let's check if we can find a more affordable plan for you!
Please contact the on-site chat support for details on more affordable custom plans.