Self-Assessment Form Template

Use a self-assessment form to improve communication and growth in your company.

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Self-Assessment Form

This form is about self-evaluation. Please use this opportunity to assess your performance in the last six months as honestly as possible.

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Whether you call it self-assessment, self-appraisal, or self-evaluation, it is a useful way to help your employees grow and improve. A self-assessment form is a tool many organizations use to facilitate good communication between employees and management. 

Communication is the basic building block of any successful company, and self-assessment enables it. So, get started with your own form using our template.

What Is a Self-Assessment Form?

The self-assessment form is an important way for employees to express their views about their performance during a specific time period. It also allows management to see whether their and the employee’s points of view align.  

You can use the results from the form to set future goals and objectives. It can also call attention to any disagreements and help solve them before they become an issue.

What Should a Self-Assessment Form Include?

The form should contain the following basic elements: relevant employee information, skill reviews, employee performance reviews, accomplishments, and potential areas for improvement. 

You can make a part of the form open-ended questions and allow the employee to express their opinion. However, you should include fixed sections with a clear rating scale to receive more objective answers.

Employee Information & Grading Scale

Your form should include:

  • Basic employee information, like their name, job description, and department. 

  • The time period for the evaluation – most likely from their last self-assessment. 

  • A grading scale. It doesn’t matter if it’s numerical or descriptive, as long it is clear what each grade represents. A standard grading scale ranges from 1 to 5 – with 1 being the lowest and 5 being the highest.

Skills & Performance Reviews

The self-assessment form should contain multiple sections with pre-defined answers about specific employee skills and performances. Make a list of the skills needed for the position and allow the employee to assess theirs on the scale. Do the same with important job performance indicators.

The skills are any you deem relevant – anything from technical skills to leadership. Also, give your employees a chance at a performance evaluation in the given time period. Similarly to skills, list the performance indicators you deem important – meets quotas, honors deadlines, etc.

Areas for Improvement

Under each skill or performance indicator in the list, you can allow the employee to make suggestions. Let them show how they think they can improve their performance and what actionable steps can be taken. This can help management gauge the objectivity and motivation of the employee. Further, the suggestions can help management encourage professional development and optimize the employee’s skill set.

Accomplishments & Goals

Finally, the self-assessment form should include an open-ended section. The employee can list their accomplishments, difficult situations they managed to resolve, and the improvements they made since the last review. They should also be encouraged to state their future goals. Understanding employee strengths and their aims will allow management to make plans and better utilize their staff.

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