What type of Mom Are You?
Find out what type of mom you are, based on your parenting choices.
What is your go to diaper?
Whatever is on sale!
Cloth diaper
Breastfeed or bottle?
Exclusively breast
Bottle when I'm tired
It doesn't matter, as long as the baby is healthy!
Bottle! No time!
Do you check your child's homework?
No, I let the teacher handle that!
Only if they ask for help
No, I want my child to learn from mistakes!
At the playground, I...
Sit on the bench and catch up on work emails
Bring healthy snacks
Stand 2 feet behind my child during every move
Chat with other parents while occasionally watching my child.
What is your go-to dinner?
Order pizza and hope it comes quickly!
Whatever I can whip up in 10 minutes!
Chicken that has been marinading for 12 hours
Fruits, veggies, and a protein
How much TV do you allow your child to watch?
I don't own a TV but we write stories together
I don't mind my child watching TV while I'm preparing dinner or on a work call
My child can watch TV for 30 minutes after all homework is complete!
Whatever the latest research says is okay
Did you have a birthing plan?
Only natural childbirth
Water birth
Bring me the epidural!
No, I went with the flow
What kind of clothes does your child wear?
Whatever is on sale, it all gets dirty!
Boutique clothing
100% cotton clothing!
Organic Mom
You may be what people describe as "crunchy." Your food must be organic and free-range. You won't use disposable diapers as they contain chemicals.
Rookie Mom
You are new to parenting and rely heavily on the internet and books to guide you in your decisions. Hang in there!
Relaxed Mom
You are calm and collected, no matter the situation. You're able to remain well balanced despite having to juggle many things.
Helicopter Mom
You pay extremely close attention to your children's experiences and problems, especially at educational institutions. You hover overhead, overseeing every aspect of your child's life constantly!
Career Mom
You are a hard worker and dedicated to advancing your professional career. You are able to manage and balance between work and motherhood - or at least you're trying. Your phone is your best friend.
Veteran Mom
You are an expert. You've done this before. Nothing shocks you.