How Well do You Know Zoom?
With Zoom now second nature to most of us, you probably think you know all there is to know about the platform, but do you? Let's zoom in.
Who invented Zoom?
The founder of Zoom, Eric Yuan, is an American billionaire born and raised in China.
Zita Beckham
Eric Yuan
Mark Zuckerberg
Alistair Yi
Why did Eric Yuan invent Zoom?
Eric Yuan hated to travel and wanted a way to connect with his girlfriend who lived 10 hours away from him.
He is agoraphobic
To make meetings easier during Covid
To give online fitness classes
To maintain a long distance relationship
How many people can you have on a Zoom call?
Up to 100 people can join a standard Zoom conference. However, if you set up the large meeting add-on, 1,000 participants can connect! (Only 49 can be displayed though)
Only two people
Up to four people
100 people can Zoom together
Up to 1,000 can connect at a time
What unconventional approach to business is Eric Yuan known for?
Some people don’t believe that it’s Yuan personally responding to them, but it really is!
He gives staff members free burgers every Friday
He has all off his business meetings in coffee shops.
He personally responds to some emails
He gives most of his profits to animal sanctuaries
What has Zoom been described as?
Paul Doherty described Zoom as “Love at First Byte” in a review for Construction Executive Tech Trends
“Data Will do it ALL For You!”
“Love at First Byte”
“Screen 2 Screen since 2011”
Who banned Zoom from employee desks?
Google banned employees from using Zoom on company computers in 2020 because it doesn't meet their strict security protocols.
How has Zoom helped feminism?
Astia started as the very first incubator for women-led businesses. Today it supports its investments using Zoom to run all its programs and internal meetings.
By sponsoring female-led businesses
By working in partnership with Astia
By only employing women
By protesting at feminist rallies
What happens when you cancel your Zoom subscription?
In the early days, everyone who canceled got a personal email from the CEO of Zoom, but since it’s grown things have changed.
You get an email from the Zoom CEO
You get an offer for a reduced subscription
You get a care package with cookies in
Nothing, you cancel it and that’s it!
What can't you do with Zoom?
You can invite a landline user by calling them during a Zoom meeting, but Zoom can’t call them, they have to call in.
Browser-based meetings
Screen share
One-on-one meetings
Call landlines
What was Zoom previously called?
Eric Yuan first left Cisco Webex with 40 other engineers in 2011 to start a new company: Saasbee Inc. They only changed the name of the company to Zoom in 2012.
Yuan Inc.
Let’s Chat
Eric Talk
Saasbee Inc.
How long can a group of people Zoom for free?
Up to two people can be in a meeting for up to 24 hours. However, three or more people can only keep going for 40 minutes before they’re kicked off!
For 40 minutes
For 24 hours
For an hour
As long as they want to
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